Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I am out of ideas...

Please! Please! Please! Please! Comment on this one! I am out of stuff to blog about, the best I can think of is how I discovered the name America for a girl! Liberty Belle too, which cracked me up! Oh and Amy Erica! Thank ya

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I have finally found--and decided--what my favorite band is! The Beatles, oh yeah. Okay, funny thing, no offense to the JB fans! But, one comment (and a billion agreed) said "If the Jonas Brothers are The Beatles of this generation, this world is messed up!" I completely agree ;) I mean, The Beatles are being forever remembered while the JB will be forgotten soon after. No offense, but my blog, my opinion. BTW, I can delete your comments =u=. LIVE ON BEATLES (fav. song: Twist and Shout)!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The poll

You want to know why I put "Italian"? Because, barely anybody in America knows it, so nobody would know what I am saying. Makes ya feel smart when they are clueless right? Yeah, I'm clever I know. AND!! Italy is a place I want to go when I travel so I'll have the language down, while, my friends, who know the OTHER language will talk to the locals in the other countries we visit. ;)


I have done excellent at the MAP testing. Gone up (I think) in everything! Went up 6 points in one, 9 points in the other...woo hoo~!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Henry the Beagle

I looked at The Daily Puppy gadget today. Man, they are all so cute~ I wish my dogs were puppies again! That would be so cute!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Skate Night

Okay, so, last night, was Skate Night. All of my friends were there, it was a flashback to Kindergarten. I think, my school, is the best out of the 3. I was...okay at skating but, not fast. Ask me anything about it and I will reply!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I want to know another language, other then English. So, I was wondering if you had an opinion on which I should learn? Or at least try to XD. I was thinking that you choose from languages like:
French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Italian, Japanese. Stuff like that. Thanks!
Comment ASAP