Okay. I went to school today feeling like...like...snot, I guess? That is because I had a cold (of course on a holiday). I am trying to get over it. My medicine wore off around lunch? Yeah, so anyways, back to my day. In English class, my teacher, "Ms.P" told us to write a page or so about our favorite clothing item. So, I wrote about some hand-me-down shoes my mom gave me when I grew out of my others + they were about to lose piece and stuff it was so used. It ended up being both back and front of the paper (She never said there was a LIMIT). I handed it into her after the person who sat next to me, "P", read over it and gave it an "Okay!". The first thing she said was "Woah, did you write a book?" In a funny voice. No, she was not insulting my work (enter snooty sniff of the nose here). When she was done, she said "Love it! Go highlight the nouns, prepositions, and more BLAH. Yeah, I was happy. Then I lost about a cup when she said, "K, read it for the class." But she did add a nice "Her paper is GOOD" So, I did. I got a couple of claps. Oh and in "Exploratory" we had to do a play for Theatre. Which I STINK AT. But, we messed up once or twice and got laughs. Oh, did I say it was a 4 person as one cast? Oh, and it was Hanzel and Gretel #2? No, well did I tell you that the mistakes we did was drop the contents of our bellies?? NO? How bout that there were 3 kids? No? Okay, maybe I told you that we were tricker-treating in the play?? NO! Well, you know now!
Happy Mon--I mean Tuesday!
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