Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Suddenly Swedish

Yes, suddenly I have gone into a Swedish phase! You may think everything from: Cool to okay... to Uh Oh. 1. Cool, very cool. 2. Yes, I don't care if you care but Hey! I just noticed... its MY blog. Says my name is the title any everything! 3. Oh yes, be afraid. I will be talking about Sweden and Swedish things until I find something ELSE to rave over. Anyways: good news of today- I switched by desk chair for a "yoga ball". Comfortable for my bum but not my back... may be switched back tomorrow. I also went out and got a new pair of jeans! Yay! No more stains or holes or trash-in-pocket! So, the first Swedish blog I translate *Google Chrome, thank you* it turns out the guy STOPPED BLOGGING! I heard he was GREAT! Darn! Oh well, let me check out "other great Swedish blogs and things" and see if I can find something as great as his. Well, goodbye!


  1. hmm, why sweden? Something in particular?

    I like your fishies, by the way. I've tried to overfeed them to see if they will go belly up but so far - no such luck.

  2. I don't know. Just... because it's Swedish?
