Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tests, tests, and more tests

I swear, I've had at least 5 tests in less than 2 weeks! Plus, I have 2 tomorrow! I can't wait for a week of FREE TIME. Just lazy stuff. That would be nice. Sitting at the kitchen table in a sweatshirt, watching the t.v., eating chili topped with cheese... mmm... Oh yeah. one of the cons of winter is allergies. I have been snifflin' since Monday and no amount of medicine will stop it! Well here is the highlight of my day: we used microscopes in Science today! Yay! I love using microscopes. They are like a little eyepiece into another world *kind of dead though*. What do you enjoy in class? What is your favorite part? And don't you DARE tell me that you like tests and homework. I won't take that answer!! Well, bye!

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