Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Today, for PACE, I did a mock-trial. I was a lawyer with my buddy. After we got done they voted. We won, 6-1. Our teacher, said that she was going to vote for the other side, but, we really convinced her to vote for us. Maybe I should say I because my partner, was slightly nervous so I spoke, he spoke one sentence. I told our teacher how I am related to some attorneys and she said, "You must have some of it in your blood!" That opened up a whole new road. Actually, my grandpa told me, that my aunt, said that she wanted to be an attorney at my age, and she is now. Well, I will blog the next time I have a mock-trial. So, later!


  1. Congratulations!! Now i have someone to support me in my old age. :)

  2. Hmm...why would I do that? Why would you take it to court?

  3. lol XD
    we did a mock-trial once in Texas history.
    I went all ace-attorney, Phoenix Wright on them.

  4. Did you say "OBJECTION!" and point at them? OMG! Thats awesome if you did. Anyways, I was all like, "What ifs aren't for court! They even had to say "ORDER!" we argued, but isn't that the lawyer's way? Love mock-trials. I also enjoy defeating guys who are always jerks and see them get all "I can't believe we lost!" which happened! *sigh* It felt good~and I got high-fives from everybody except for the lawyers on the opposite side and the ONE person who did not vote for me.

  5. lol, of course I did finger pointing. and so did the other people XD
    take that!
