Monday, April 5, 2010

School Project

I enjoy school because I like to explore things, but lately, we've gotten into some boring stuff. That's why, I am glad that today, in Science, my group (that is working on something extra) was rehearsing and in no time, had gone through all of second period! I was so relieved, but I felt horrible that we accomplished only a little! Oh well, we have to do a presentation Thursday, and I hope we get a B or more. Honestly, I hope something happens to the schedule so we have an extra day....


  1. that sounds like a very nerd thought
    no offense

  2. That sounds like my day today! I have a presentation on Monday. Hope your presentation goes really well on Thursday.

  3. Thanks, I will blog about what happens, and my thoughts on it.

  4. ah, in middle school, its really boring if you have no electives...

  5. like orchestra, spanish, french, art, P.E., ect ect
