Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hey! Happy *almost* Halloween

Okay, I am ready for the candy. Now, for my current events: I have finished Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, and have begun Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I love the series! Sorry Mom, sorry Dad, I guess I refused to read it out of stubbornness, sorry it is in my blood! It has been so beautiful lately! Today, here is my to-do list: carve pumpkins, watch movie, read harry potter, make some spinach-cheese-and-artichoke dip. Yum. Oh yeah! Start making some pumpkin seeds to eat. Again... and I can not stress this enough... YUM! I love Halloween, but I am not one to watch those bloody-yuck-surprise-around-every-corner... Which is what my family (of course) watches every year. Last night, I was all like: "Why can't we just watch Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin instead?" My wonderful dad said "Thats not Halloween!" So....yeah. Cons and Pros aplenty...and GUESS WHAT? I "made" (assembled) my own costume by myself. No store bought just "Oh thats cute..." and its automatically part of my costume. Oh, man! FORGOT! I need a carnation for my costume! >:( Urgh! Well, let me go and buy one! See ya!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Good News (ish?)

Okay, my Swedish phase has finally passed! But... (gasp) it has been replaced! Greece, Ancient Greece, Ancient Greek, Greek, Olives, Mythology, oh yeah... but don't worry! I haven't been like AHAHAHA crazy. Yet. I've been reading blogs and things. Mostly American expats in Greece. Interesting, no? Funny thing: they all complain about their Greek husbands... and their husbands families. Lately, at anime club, we have been watching Full Alchemist Metal Brotherhood (FAMBrotherhood) I love it!! You should watch it... beware of the scene when they are younger though. Yuck. Anyways, short but meaningful post! Oh! WAIT!! I almost forgot! I have successfully read Harry Potter: Book 1. On to number 2! Whoop! Anyways, lately I've been wanting to clear out all the "kiddie" books and things of the sort off my bookshelf but I don't know if I should... Oh well. Bye bye!

Friday, October 22, 2010


I don't have any excuse for not posting, so shoot me! Anyways, in my lovely Anime Club we have been (shall I dare say it?) forced to work! On a fun project! Okay it's about your favorite thing Japanese. I'm doing Favorite Anime: Full Alchemist Metal. Here is a little tidbit I was thinking about: "It is the perfect combo! An appetizer of drama, an entrée of battles, topped with some nice humor." Sound good? Too bad that I haven't started that Science project yet... like 3/4 of the rest of the kids! Bye bye!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I've been reading Rick Riordan's new book: The Lost Hero on the Kindle. I'm almost done and started it yesterday. I wonder what will happen at the end? Speaking of books, I think you have all read the last book in the Hunger Games trilogy, no? I loved the series! It is so awesome! Tell me your opinions, readers! Have a happy rest-of-the-weekend!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

No School Tomorrow

Yay! It is conference day. Tomorrow, I will be going to my friends, K. (yes another K!) and E. When we get home Scout, our beloved puppy, will be back with us after a horrifying spaying. Poor her... I also attempted to sew back together a toy of Scout's. It has been fondly nicknamed Kipper. I think I did a B+ job, I mean it hasn't fallen apart yet! I have been thinking: Yellow and Black.
See this nice little blog I found? Cute, right? No? Well, sorry! I have also been looking into vintage things and there are too many links so I decided you should go search yourselves! Yes, I sound so... Old-Fashioned (!!) I guess I am. Yes, I just send out this vibe that says "I LOVE BOOKS!" and I do. They are my "happy place". :) So, call me boring! I can be odd sometimes though! >:( I'm not THAT bad. Well, good night dear readers *whoever you are* I'll blog ASAP!

P.S. I should start taking pictures of things and posting them here to brighten things up. Too bad I don't know how...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


There has been so much homework, so much stress... so much disappointment. I mean, I have a Choir Rehearsal on the day ART CLUB is. We were going to paint pumpkins! So sad. Tears... I hope, truly, DEARLY hope that I don't ever have to give up my clubs for stupid Choir again. Oh well... My sis, K., is OBSESSED with One Piece (especially Luffy). Anybody else hear of it? Well, this was short. Less is more, right? Bye bye!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekend Thoughts

Want to know what I wish? I wish I had a fast laptop, with a blue top. I wish I could take it outside and type about what really goes on around me. The sirens from fire trucks. Brick buildings. Clouds. The blue sky. Wouldn't that be cool? Maybe I could paint my bedroom ceiling blue and have airplane models and "clouds" hanging down. Well, here is a little question with many answers: If you could travel back in time, what time period would you go to? My answer? Hmm... probably Ancient Greece, I would love seeing the temples in their full greatness.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Awesome Day

Today I sketched some parts of rooms in my house. I showed my family and they said it was awesome! What else I expected, I don't know! Today was Anime Club! We watched 2 series: Death Note and Full Alchemist Metal Brotherhood. It was so fun! Soon we will have our ID cards and our t-shirts... oh and our locker signs! Can't wait! See or Write you later!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Create Your Own Artist's Journal

This is the book I have been currently reading (more like looking at the pictures). So, I thought it would be a nice idea- having a pack of colored pencils, pens, and pencils on hand to sketch a pretty sight. Today, I tripped and fell on the stairs at my lovely school. Very embarrassing. My friend, B., saw the whole thing. We laughed about it on the way to class. If I believed in karma, this would definitely be some. See, this girl also tripped and dropped her things, I didn't help since 1. I'd think she would have felt embarrassed and 2. I was already at the other side of the place. When I tripped, (exactly like she did w/ my shoelaces) I didn't drop my things... PHEW! Anyways, thats all. Bye!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Suddenly Swedish

Yes, suddenly I have gone into a Swedish phase! You may think everything from: Cool to okay... to Uh Oh. 1. Cool, very cool. 2. Yes, I don't care if you care but Hey! I just noticed... its MY blog. Says my name is the title any everything! 3. Oh yes, be afraid. I will be talking about Sweden and Swedish things until I find something ELSE to rave over. Anyways: good news of today- I switched by desk chair for a "yoga ball". Comfortable for my bum but not my back... may be switched back tomorrow. I also went out and got a new pair of jeans! Yay! No more stains or holes or trash-in-pocket! So, the first Swedish blog I translate *Google Chrome, thank you* it turns out the guy STOPPED BLOGGING! I heard he was GREAT! Darn! Oh well, let me check out "other great Swedish blogs and things" and see if I can find something as great as his. Well, goodbye!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday, it is

Sorry I haven't blogged! Sorry! Sorry! Stay loyal people who read! Wait, how do I know there are loyals out there? Besides you, Mum! Comment! Soon! Or this will become one of those blogs that say "to people who read this later..." Yes, why don't I do that today?
To: People who may read this post and blog later...
It is Tuesday and Fall is coming--or should I say here? I've organized all my school thingies to look "cute" or "fashionable". But, now I have something that will probably never be "fashionable": Me. Sigh. I'll never ever be "caught up!" So, if you get to know me... you'll see I'm always my own "fashion" or a "fashion" behind. So take THAT world! >:D Oh yeah. I wear "comfy" clothes, not things that make me feel like a peeled orange... okay, I admit that was weird but it carries my point! Have you noticed all the people getting bob-cut or just-above-shoulder cuts? Its happened a lot around my "place". Ah! If you should know I love quotations :D. Yes, so back to the hair. I'd never in a million years cut it that short because 1.I like my hair long... no reason for "1." because again, I like these little things. So, that is my post on fashion. If there are any "fashionistas" out there who think that I stink at fashion then Congrats at being smart enough to get this post. Thank you.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Sigh. If only it were better. We had a timed quiz in Math with a Russian sub or something in Math. Of course, I didn't get it finished. What I did get finished was The Bar Code Tatoo By: Suzanne Weyn. I plan on reading How NOT to be Popular By: ____ Ziegler. I can't remember her first name though. Plus I got an 88 today in Science. Whoopee..! So that just put an "88 average" at the starting on the new 6 weeks. Great. We finished Art Exploratory today, with an Icosahedron. It was really cool. I am now off to Spanish/French! Up Up and Away! In this short (not) week I lost 2 fellow schoolmates. Not dead. They just moved. They were Fuuta and Victoria. Sigh. We'll miss you! Now I have an empty seat across me in 1 and behind me in another. Fuuta used to sit there. Though he was quiet. Unless he was speaking with his "group" in another language. So things I want done this weekend: 1. begin animal model for Science. 2. Organize. 3. Library. Sounds good, right? Talk with you either Sunday or Monday. See (not really) you then!